我想美國的音樂市場很活絡的主要一個原因,是聽眾對音樂的接受方式很單純。只要音樂好聽對味,長得怪或是行為不檢點都沒有太大關係,非常的尊重專業。於是真正愛好音樂的人可以專注作音樂,一首歌如果全國大紅,那就至少有浮出檯面機會。另外還有許多支持地下樂團的廣播節目和試聽網站讓「車庫樂團」有機會直接把作品呈現給聽眾。LA的團體Foster the People就是在試聽網站上開始流行的。
"It's a 'fuck you' song to the hipsters in a way—but it's a song the hipsters are going to want to dance to." - 主唱Mark Foster,蠻機車的。不過你自己也是個hipster呀! 一直在電台上狂播的這首歌其實是demo,而且是主唱一個人搞定的,後來的版本有點變化。本來的團名是Foster and the People,以主唱Mark Foster為名,後來以訛傳訛就變成Foster the People,台灣還翻譯成擁抱人群的樣子...其實擁抱的昰錯誤吧~
今年8月在Outside Lands有看到他們現場表演,不過當時選擇的位置距離舞台很遠,只聽的到音樂看不到action。這種型態比較細膩的樂團我覺得還是在小一點的場地看比較對味,不過也算是適合戶外的音樂啦~ 手拿紅酒在無力的灣區陽光下聽音樂,赤腳踩著草地,涼涼的風吹。
Pumped up Kicks
Robert's got a quick hand.
He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.
He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid.
Yeah he found a six shooter gun.
In his dads closet hidden in a box of fun things, and I don't even know what.
But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you.
[Chorus x2:]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.
Daddy works a long day.
He be coming home late, yeah he's coming home late.
And he's bringing me a surprise.
'Cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice.
I've waited for a long time.
Yeah the slight of my hand is now a quick pull trigger,
I reason with my cigarette,
And say your hair's on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah.
[Chorus x2:]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.
[Chorus x3:]
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.